Monday, November 12, 2007

getting linked up and hooked in - 100 links, 100 meaningful references

ok. so if this linkage thing is at all true then it would behoove me here to make mention of a number of other amazing people, places, and things that are on-line and rocking it and that i generally want to benefit. eh? [pause.] well, according to a post on the Vandelay Web Design blog (general, but worthy: "Using Outbound Links to Improve Your Blog") only positive reinforcement for the notion of adding links to your page and lists a number of benefits and strategies to help optimize outbound links (i'll let you read the blog itself for details, cuz I'd just end up plagiarizing this brief, but well-written text).

i realize that this is just one blog. and so i probably have more research to do - in time. but, i'm reassured for now. and so, i am going to begin a little journey here. i'm going to make a point of linking to at least one amazing page every time i blog from here out AND i'm going to do my utmost to follow all the right etiquette - foremost, the making darned sure that the link is meangingful to the current blog i'm working on (yay! i think i succeeded with this one today!). i will be cataloging this process by footnoting each post and counting off the number of references that i make. my goal will be modest at first - 100 links to hot, amazing places to go on the webernet. we'll see how it goes and move on from there.

shazam! and the...

footnote: i guess that makes ms. michelle #1 and ms. p dane #2 (as per my previous post). Vandelay Web Design will have to settle for an aging, hearty #3.

a bit about plugs - no, not hair plugs

My friend who works at cnet (meet the wonderful Ms. Michelle, who can tell you anything you need to know about the current stats on laptop computers) told me that one of the best parts about blogging is sharing information with other people and at the same time helping link people directly to that information. Whoa! Everyone benefits? Yup. (Love that Google page rank!) But some people haven't caught on and aren't taking advantage of this whole HTML, internet thingy (hello! it's a system designed to LINK things together) as well as they could. This anti-linkage behavior is snotty and unfortunate, cuz eventually you just get left out of the loop yourself.

Not me! Right now right here, I want to plug my friend's blog unabashedly. Ms. Penelope's blog is a great addition to the e-world, as it is spicy and angry and impassioned in all the right ways. I won't go into too many details, cuz I don't want to kill her chickens before you read them, but trust you'll get intrigue, drama, and all that is quirky and small and bright and astoundingly awesomely all, everything, encompassed, engrossed, gross, and grim in this spite-filled, inspired blog, which makes an inadvertent plug even for those people who are sometimes snotty and unfortunately out of the loop.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

and anna blog

So, I've decided to make this blog my crazy, ranty, rambly blog that's about things un-professional. More like a diary. More silly inside-anna's-brain crap. For all things impressive and intentional - please visit my real blog (er, my other blog; some may argue that as such this is in fact my 'real blog') -

Which leads me to wonder if having two blogs is exessive? I mean, I have three accounts with social-networking groups. My most recent fall was facebook. Sheesh. I just like networking and socializing too damned much. Is that so bad? Ah well. But two blogs? Really? I guess I find consolation and resolve in the, hm, messy world of building and creating and visioning. In other words, I don't know what my role is or will be on the internet. But I'm figuring it out. And for now, for whatever reason, that involves running with two blogs for a time. Double sigh.

Over and out.

anna hirsch on facebook