Sunday, November 11, 2007

and anna blog

So, I've decided to make this blog my crazy, ranty, rambly blog that's about things un-professional. More like a diary. More silly inside-anna's-brain crap. For all things impressive and intentional - please visit my real blog (er, my other blog; some may argue that as such this is in fact my 'real blog') -

Which leads me to wonder if having two blogs is exessive? I mean, I have three accounts with social-networking groups. My most recent fall was facebook. Sheesh. I just like networking and socializing too damned much. Is that so bad? Ah well. But two blogs? Really? I guess I find consolation and resolve in the, hm, messy world of building and creating and visioning. In other words, I don't know what my role is or will be on the internet. But I'm figuring it out. And for now, for whatever reason, that involves running with two blogs for a time. Double sigh.

Over and out.

anna hirsch on facebook

1 comment:

SK-S said...

Two blogs obsessive? Nah. Five is a lot of work, but worth it, like kids but much better.